Home » How to Fix Voicemail Not Working on iPhone

How to Fix Voicemail Not Working on iPhone

There are several ways to fix voicemail not working your iPhone. One method is by switching your phone back to Airplane mode. Then, you can check your General settings to make sure that call forwarding is not enabled. Also, it is important to install any updates that are available on the device, and then restart your phone. Voicemail should now work correctly.

fix voicemail not working on iphone

Several ways to fix Voicemail not working on iPhone

The steps below will explain how to solve the voicemail not working on iPhone.

Airplane mode restores voicemail

When you can’t get your voicemail to work on your iPhone, you may want to try turning off the cellular data service in the iPhone. To do so, go to Settings and tap Cellular. Toggle Airplane Mode off and on. After a few seconds, turn the setting back on. Next, go to Settings > General and tap the Cellular option. You can also enable Call Forwarding, WLAN, and Airplane Mode to fix this issue.

iphone airplane mode

If none of these methods work, you may want to try updating your carrier settings. To perform carrier settings updates, connect your iOS device to Wi-Fi. Tap Update to install the update. This should fix the problem. You may have to restart your device afterward. If the problem persists, you may need to contact your cellular provider for assistance. If you can’t resolve the issue through carrier settings, try restarting the iPhone.

Reset network settings

reset network settings iphoneIf you’ve been having trouble with voicemail on your iPhone, you’ve probably already tried resetting the password. To do this, go to Settings, Phone, and change the password. You’ll be prompted to enter a new password, so be sure to remember it. Once you’ve entered the new password, you can go back to the Settings app and reset your network settings. After doing this, you should find that your voicemail service should now work properly.

To fix voicemail not working on your iPhone, you need to first make sure that your network provider is compatible with your iPhone. If it is, you’ll need to turn off the airplane mode in the settings app. If that doesn’t work, you can turn the Airplane mode off on your iPhone and then try to play the messages. After this, make sure to check your network provider and try again. If the problem continues, you may need to try a different carrier.


There are many solutions for this problem. One way is to edit your voicemail greeting to make it appear more professional. Another is to return to the default message. In the case of the first option, you can try to restore the device by backing up it first. But this may take a while because you have to wait for a new software update from Apple. Here are some ways to solve your voicemail transcription issue on iPhone.

iphone call forwarding

First, check your cellular carrier. Voicemail may not be working on your iPhone because of a problem with your cellular carrier. Check the settings for your phone in the Settings app and make sure call forwarding is turned off. If it isn’t working, you should also check if call forwarding is enabled or disabled. You can check this in the Phone settings or disable it from your iPhone’s settings.

Update iOS to fix the problems

There are several causes of voicemail not working on iPhone, including a cellular carrier problem. If your iPhone does not have a strong cellular connection, try turning off Airplane Mode. This can solve the issue. Tap the Settings app, then tap on General. Tap the Update button. If it is there, select it and then tap the Install button.

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